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WeblogPomo AMA: A Superpower I Wish to Have

The question from the November 2024 WeblogPoMo AMA blogging challenge that I would like to answer today is: "If you could have any one superpower, what would it be and why?" This question was originally asked by Cliff on Mastodon and answered by Kyle.

If I could have one superpower, my choice would be teleportation.

I am not physically active, and I have limited motor skills. In addition, I have an eye condition that makes it difficult for me to see in sunlight, to the extent I need sunglasses to see things clearly outside in sunlight, which in turn makes me extra cautious when walking outdoors. I often dream of being able to just teleport to the places I want to go.

It certainly does not help that my area lacks public transport system. I used to have a driving licence, but decided to not renew it after realising how challenging driving is for me due to my autism limiting my responsiveness and ability to multitask, such as paying attention to everything around me while driving. As a result, I rely on taking someone else's vehicle (usually my parents because I am still living with them) to travel somewhere else.

A teleportation superpower would solve my problems with travelling.

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